Saturday, July 24, 2010

Bloggy Mcblogington

Don't really know what to write about so will just talk about some crap

* beards are stupid, they look terrible and just create more work, get rid of them

*Am really bored of school at the moment, just don't have the energy to go to weribee 3 times a week with trains full of retarded lookin mongs

*Discovered the ricky gervais show podcast, one of the most hilarious things i've found probably since curb your enthusiasm

*Lost 7-0 to doncaster at hockey, had a pretty good game though, DMSC were out in force with banners, a cowbell, kazoos and sparklers

*Lost 2-0 at soccer to monash, had to play in midfield after about 20 minutes my legs went from pain to pins and needles, that's probably not a good sign

* Liz is a penis face and did her nails the wrong way

*I need to get some new shoes

* I want to be a nacho man


  1. 1. What about YOU-KNOW-WHO's beard? He's a sexy mofo.
    2. I am not a penis face and my nails are perfectly fine the way they are.


  2., all beards are bad
    2.they're the wrong way!


  3. 1. Dude, shall I send you a photo of him on MSN again?
    2. I fucked your mum.


  4. beards = bad, end of story

    are you gonna be my new daddy?

    poo brain

  5. Yes I am. Hello there, son. Clean your room. Get a haircut. Eat your vegetables.
